Day 95 – 11/3/14 - Big Brooke Arboretum – Margaret River WA

We were up and going before the sun had thought about getting up, errr...well not quite but by our standards we were up and going early, hitting the road before 8. Nana and Shelby, De’s sister, are flying in today and meeting us in Margaret River so we need to get there early and get everything organised.

On the way to Margie, we got to our second left turn. Our first one was way back in Queenscliff Victoria where our patch changed from heading south to west, well now we are changing from heading west to north! We are not quite as far away from home as we can be but we are pretty bloody close to it!

Yesterday we tried to book into one of the van parks in Margie but my ‘silly’ mobile phone was on the blink again so I decided to do it the old way and used the telephone in the glass box on the side of the road. I took a handful of coins with me, about $4, thinking it is only a couple of hundred ks so it might even be a local call. The last time I used a pay phone it was 20c a call, now the minimum amount you can put in to make a call is 50c and once I got through, I was so bloody busy feeding this machine coins I could hardly concentrate on what I was saying. After what felt like 60 seconds I was out of coins, had confirmed the van booking and was most of the way through the cabin for the girls when it cut out. Oh well I thought, shouldn’t be a problem they knew what I was looking for! Sorry, we don’t have any 2 room cabins left as there is an event on this weekend and we are all booked out.....oh shiiivers....this is not going to be good.....luckily enough the other van park had exactly what we were looking for!

We set up and did all the usuals but I went on a cleaning rampage wiping down every flat surface of the van with a wet rag and doing the floor three times – it needed it after three months! We chilled for the rest of the afternoon while we waited for the ladies. Jack and Sam were just about jumping out of their skin and every time a car drove into the park they were up out of their chairs. It was great to see their excitement and love for the Nana, and Shelby! When they finally arrived they were mugged with lots of kisses and cuddles!

The remainder of the day and into the night was spent sitting around the van telling stories of where we have been and what Nana and Shelby have been up to. De cooked up a big lamb roast and a few beers and wines were had. With WA being 3 hours behind NSW the night was drawn to a close pretty early and it wasn’t long before the freight train was passing through the Margaret River station!

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