Day 105 – 21/3/14 – Lancelin – Sandy Cape WA

Friday is usually the boys day off school but with Nana and Shelby having been around it has been on the back burner so it was a ‘short weekend’ this time with heads down and bums up! While De was finishing of some of with the boys in the van I took the opportunity to move the van forward about 3 or 4 meters, warning her of course, so that I could get close enough to a tap to fill the water tanks. Sounds easy...there was a small problem in that 1. I hadn’t let the dish water out of the sink and 2. All of the cupboards that go around the top of the van were open. Well I made it close enough to the tap, however as I slowly lurched forward all of the dishwater slushed backwards and then forwards so that it went all over the floor. By the time it was on its way it was met by a myriad of plastic containers, bottles of oil, chip packets and pretty much every other thing you may expect to see in your pantry. I must say however that all of this is only hearsay as being the semi intelligent human being that I am I stayed out of the van and out of harm’s way - but secretly I wish I had sneaked in to get a photo!

We hit the road and headed for the Pinnacles, another one of our “Are we There Yet” musts sees. Having seen heaps of pictures of them I wasn’t sure how excited I would be but I am happy to report that I really enjoyed them. There is a 4km drive through the main area where the Pinnacles are so we decided to just drive around quickly the first time and then stop at the good ones/areas on the second time around. It was a great idea but the problem was we still stopped at almost every pull over place as there was always something different about them. Whether it was their shape, colour, back ground, size etc etc; it seemed to be worth stopping for a look. It was a pretty hot day so we were pretty happy to be driving around in air conditioned comfort!

We headed into Cervantes in the hope of finding a information centre to get some local knowledge. No such luck! I get the distinct impression that this part of WA is pretty happy with the way things are and us tourists seem to be a fair way down the pecking order. I wonder if they were just a bit more open that they might find a few more stopping by for a night or two rather than just moving on like we did! However before we rolled out of town we visited Thetis Pool to see the Stromatolites. Having never heard of these things before, I was very interested in learning about them and their environment. They have pretty much been around since day dot and were one of the first things to produce oxygen. The little mounds that they make as they live grow at 0.3mm, yes mm, per year! Apparently there is some more further north that are a meter tall but I was pretty impressed by these little suckers!

Being Friday we had to get moving as Sandy Cape, a council ‘free camp’, is pretty popular especially over the weekends. I say ‘free camp’ as this cost $15/night which I somehow consider to be ‘Free’ compared to the $40 - $60/ night we pay at most van parks. We hadn’t been set up long when the boys found a couple of kids, Declan and Charly from Maitland NSW, who were camped just nearby. It wasn’t long before toys and stories were being traded and they had a great afternoon running a muck!

We had a late dinner as it had been a while where the boys had really had a good opportunity to mix with other kids, and we were left to ourselves so it was a pretty easy choice! It was a beautiful night. The sky was clear and the stars shone like a thousand candles, it was good to be away from the city.

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