Day 103 – 19/3/14 – Fremantle – Mundijong WA

We all had to be out by 10am, Nana and Shelby to the airport and us for the second half of our adventure. It’s hard to believe but we are already half way through this trip. In some ways it feels like we only left yesterday but in others, when you think about all of the things we have seen and done, it feel like we have been on the road for a year!

After lots of cuddles and kisses we hit the road again, to the wistful sounds of my singing that song doing my best Kenny Rogers impersonation! Needless to say it wasn’t appreciated.... We headed south to check out Rockingham a cute little town that is stuck between being an industrial backwater and a new upbeat suburb on the outskirts of Perth.

De has had a HUGE week so we parked the van and I took the boys to the beach while she had a nana nap and had some quite time. The beach was beautiful, again, with white sand stretching into crystal clear water. We did classic catches for ages and then had a great time sculpting a crab and a dolphin in the sand. The weather was magical as it was about 30oC but the breeze was keeping it just right!

After lunch we all had a snooze and then drove to the end of Point Peron for a look.

Having been in and around van parks for the last week it felt a bit strange as we headed off to our free camp for the night, 30kms inland. We hung around for the evening and as usual it wasn’t long before we were reaching for the light switch.

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