Day 88 - 4/3/14 – Porongarup – Cosy Corner WA

We needed some extra energy for today so the boys got me to make up my now ‘famous’ Yabby Omelete!

Up until now we had been fairly lazifair with our schooling but we had drawn up a timetable and today was the first ‘real’ day back at school. De was looking after maths and some English and I am helping with English and reading. We had been seeing how things would go and we decided that the boys actually needed the school work both for a bit of structure but more importantly for some brain stimulation! Sam was even wanting to do some before he went to bed last night!

We were moving pretty slowly but the Porongarup Ranges have a pretty cool ‘Sky Walk’. We weren’t sure how long the walk was going to be but our (De and I at least) were really hoping it wasn’t going to be very long. Hmmmm.....2.1kms each way.....errr...ahhhh....we are only here once so we had better  do it! It was pretty hard, not because it was tough, it was reasonably steep but if we had done this yesterday we would have skipped up it, but not today. Needless to say it was, again, really worth it. I had seen pictures of this thing but nothing really prepared me for it.
Standard balancing rock photo

Firstly you have to scramble over two decent size rocks using handles bolted into the rocks. Then you are confronted by a 15m + ladder resting against a massive boulder. 

When I finally managed to get to the top of the ladder my legs were shaking but it wasn’t because of physical exercise it was 100% vertigo! Some lunatic has drilled holes all the way around the top of this rock and glued big metal rods into it.

They then bolted a walkway to it and on the far side of the rock not only is it about 25m off the ground it also juts out a couple of meters from the rock. 

A fellow walker. He took a pic of us while we were on the sky walk and we returned the favour.
Will post when we get the reply!

It was amazing how quickly we got the pictures and headed back down. Climbing back down was just as wobblyfying as the trip up!

Unfortunately the trip down was just a troublesome as the yesterday’s effort and De’s shins were killing her so every step was painful. We managed to get to the bottom and we headed into Mt Barker and then to Albany and onto ‘Cosy Corner’ a beach camp 20kms from Albany. 

We were looking forward to setting up for a couple of days but  the site was completely chockas and we ended up having to squeeze in between a few trees a fair way back from the beach where the sand was no longer squeaky white but was now black and every square cm of skin that touched it took up the colour. The boys thought it was great fun but after scrubbing their feet before they went to bed they may have changed their mind!

It wasn’t long after dark when De was already asleep and my eyelids felt as if they were edged in lead!

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