Day 104 – 20/3/14 – Mundijong – Lancelin WA

We had hung around Fremantle as De had a voucher for a Pedi that two of her good friends gave her. So while she was pampered for an hour and a bit the boys and I hit the local Woolies and stocked up big time. There are now three things you can be sure of; Death, Taxes and heading north in WA being ridiculously expensive!

We headed north out of Perth and pretty soon the houses turned into horse paddocks and within 5 or 10kms we were back in the scrub with nothing as far as the eye could see! We stopped at a rest area 50kms north where I had a meeting with one of my suppliers, who was working on his farm for a couple of days. We were going to get fuel as we were leaving Perth but the only stations were on the south bound stop. I was pretty tempted as they were $1.54/l which is a bloody good price.....but surely there will be one on my side...soon. Apparently not! The highway winds itself northwards about 10 – 15kms away from the ocean and the next bigger town was beyond our reach so we had to pull into Guilderton for fuel. While it was a cute little seaside town with a van park that I’d love to stay at they should be charged with price gouging! Diesel was now $1.74/l. Buggers...I would have prefered that $12 in my pocket but it was better than running out!

We were looking for a free camp south of Lancelin but after having to do a three point turn on what was virtually a single road with hardly any shoulders we decided the local van park was a good option. This part of the coast is world famous for sail boarders and kite surfers....any one has it a guess why....yep my good mate The Wind! Fortunately, for us, it wasn’t too windy so after dinner we went for a walk along the foreshore while the boys rode their bikes.

The park which is about 90% permanents that are holiday shacks was virtually empty so it was nice to have the run of the place before we headed off to sleep

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