Day 80 - 24/2/14 – Fraser Ranges Station – Grass Patch WA

We again said goodbye to the Hernandez’s and headed for the our first farm experience in Grass Patch. I found the farm using a website where people looking for help put their details up and you email them with your work being traded for food and lodgings. Most are looking for a week, a month or longer but these guys were willing to take us for a couple of days and the boys were super excited.

We finally arrived all at our first left turn, or any turn for that matter, since Ceduna about 1000kms to the east. After a small stock up in Norseman we headed south for about 100ks and then turned off the highway for about 20ks to the farm.

Aneka and Eliiot’s place is about a 4000ha wheat farm, a lot of which was cleared by Aneka’s father. They are the ‘last farm’ with almost all of the land to the east being completely uncleared crown land right back to the SA border and beyond to just short of Ceduna. This is real frontier stuff!! 

We settled ourselves in while Aneka, who is also the school bus driver, went to ‘pick up the kids’ from school. They had built a BMX track near the house so the boys tore into it. Once the kids arrived it was bike and cubby time the boys having a great time tearing around without any fears of cars and other things that kids need to be aware of these days. We then had a tour or the massive vege patch and helping to feed the menagerie in surrounding paddocks.

It wasn’t long before Elliot had finished his work for the day and we called beer O’clock. It had been a pretty warm day but it was beautiful to sit in the afternoon sun having a few brews, shelling pistachios while the boys had a rip roaring time playing with Luka, Alby and Neela and their toys. After a yummy dinner we put the boys to bed and had a few more cleansing ales while thoroughly enjoying the company of our hosts. We hadn’t done a thing to deserve a feed but it was great to sit in a house at a table and relax!

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