Day 138 23/4/14 – Quandong Point – Broome WA

Originally we were going to stay at Quandong for 3 nights but we had to head back into town as Izzy was booked in to the mechanic at 8:30 tomorrow morning and we didn’t want to have the mad scramble to get back into town. We headed back and dropped into the Willie Creek Pearl Farm for a look around on the ‘way out’. Now I am not sure what everybody else thinks but the concept of paying $100 plus for a tour of a pearl farm just doesn’t appeal to me....we didn’t pay the money we just wondered around and had a look but people were arriving by the bus loads...feel free to let me know what is so exciting as I am keen to know.

We headed into Broome and called all the van parks to find one with a swimming pool. I was amazed that a number of them DIDN’T have a pool...what are they thinking!! its 36oC in winter!! So we checked in and the boys headed straight to the pool and pretty much stayed there for the rest of the morning. After lunch we caught up with another couple who have three boys who were also staying at the park. The boys were into it and we ended up having  few drinks after dinner while the boys and a few more from around the park had the world’s biggest game of spot light! It was nice to just sit around and relax while the boys entertained themselves....while also having some adult conversation! 

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