Day 156 11/5/14 – Drysdale River Station WA

The boys were up, despite their mothers request, at some ungodly hour making more cards and things. Initially we weren’t intending to travel the Gibb and so my plan was to shop in Kununarra but fortunately the boys and I had done some shopping at the Imintji Store – the place all presents are purchased!

After the presents, cards, banners and flowers (handpicked by the boys) were bestowed the festival of the food began. First course was French toast with bacon and maple syrup with a dusting of icing sugar. While I was preparing the boys rode up to ‘the shop’ and bought De another present, a pack of ‘Kimberley Playing Cards’ – every mothers dream gift!

With breaky over, lunch went on the webber, slow roasted lamb shanks, and the boys and I headed down to the river crossing and spent the next hour and a half washing Izzy from top to bottom, inside and out. The water was about 15cm deep, clear and cool and we had a great time...I’ll have to find the nearest river crossing when we get home!

Back at camp Jack, who is the resident damper baker, cooked one up while I got our last frozen vegies on and thickened the gravy. We tucked into lunch, which was pretty damn gourmet considering!

The boys preferred method of travel
In the afternoon we headed down to Miners Pool for a swim and as I waded into my thighs a set of eyes appeared on the other side of the river and then disappeared, while I beat a hasty retreat,! She appeared once more, and while she was a ‘freshie’ she was bigger than 1.5m and I didn’t want to be her mother’s day present. As we turned and walked back she popped her head up straight away, we walked back, she disappeared, we turned....etc; we had a bit of fun playing ‘jack in the box’! We headed back down to the river crossing where we sat in the running water....a much safer option.

For dinner we headed up to the ‘restaurant’ at the station, having a few beers at the bar before hand with some of the locals. Just before dinner a few other campers that we have met along the way arrived and the boys were ecstatic as their latest BFF, Finn was one of them. We managed to keep them in the restaurant long enough to eat dinner and then let them run free! 

We headed back and caught up with Finn’s parents Rob & Cad for a few quities before collapsing into bad after a great mothers day!

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