Day 142 27/4/14 – Middle Lagoon WA

One thing about the being in the tropics is that you have to sleep with the windows and curtains open, so when the sun is up, so are we! The boys went and played while I headed down the beach and got Rufus of ready for today’s adventure. On the other side of the lagoon is a tidal inlet that has heaps of mangroves, a perfect place to go crabbing! In QLD we use pots to catch muddies but as they are illegal here we were going to try and catch them using drop nets. We had lined up one of the local boys to take us crabbing after lunch, at low tide, using spears, but I was pretty keen to try and get some the white fella way!

Two and half hours later we had out the nets out 4 times and not even gone as close as to seeing a crab let a lone catching one! The waters are crystal clear here and I suspect we might have better luck at night time when they might be happier to venture out from the mangroves but for the time being the crabs were all safe and sound!

Our crabbing tour was put off as our guide had forgotten to come back so we headed down to the now massive beach for a game of cricket. If the Australian baseball team is ever looking of a pitcher they need look no further than Middle Lagoon. The kids here spent most of their waking hours with a spear in hand chucking it at anything from a tree to a bottle lid. As a result not only is their throwing are deadly accurate but it is bloody fast when a ball is inserted in lieu of a spear!

As the sun set we retreated to our camps with Jack and Sam deciding they were going to light a fire on their own. It was quite hilarious to see their efforts compared to yesterdays. The made a huge pile of leaves and lit it then dumped a couple of logs on it. It was good experience as I have shown them how to light a fire a heap of times but as they had never done it themselves I guess they thought it wasn’t that hard....yeah a win for me!

Today had been another great day. The boys were really enjoying spending time with their new Aboriginal mates and it was awesome to see them playing so unreservedly.

Mark and I grabbed a few beers and headed down a bush track that we thought would take us over to the inlet we had crabbed in earlier. We had guessed right and pulled the truck up on the beach for a relaxing night. The only challenge was that while we were pretty sure there were no crocs in the river there was that lingering thought that the hunter is now the hunted! We cast lures and fished with bait, trying everything in our arsenal with no success. Regardless it was good to have a fish without the need to untangle and retie lures for my two favourite sons! 

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