Day 158 13/5/14 – Roadside stop looking over Pentecost River – El Questro Station WA

The view that we couldn't see in last nights darkenss didn’t disappoint! I woke early slightly uncomfortable with my swollen knee that thankfully hadn’t blown up nearly as much as last time, and took in a magical sunrise.

 Looking east was a massive valley with the Pentecost River running majestically through its centre, 30, 40 or 50m wide at some points. The valley rises abruptly on the other side rising up dramatically into the Cockburn Ranges which have rocky cliffs at their top and are flat on top, enabling you to see the trees growing on the edge. This is worth travelling 20,000kms for!

After breakfast I called my Doc in Bris Vegas and got a script organised for Kununarra and headed for El Questro. There had been mixed reports on what the Pentecost crossing was like but was we drew closer I could see it was going to be a piece of cake. We stopped for the obligatory photos and ploughed into it. A minute later and we were across. It was a bit of an anti-climax as I was hoping for a bit of water, if for nothing more than a couple of good photos!

We rolled into El Questro and De and Sam grabbed the shopping list and drove the 110kms into Kununarra while Jack and I went for a couple of swims and hung around. Around lunch my knee got to the rest my body and I started to break into cold sweats in the van that would have been around 36oC. The next few hours were spent shaking and sweating something out of my system. Late in the afternoon De returned and I dosed up on some heavier drugs and headed for bed. I wasn’t happy that this had happened now but I was pretty happy it wasn’t 3 or 4 days ago when I was literally in the middle of nowhere!

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