Day 144 29/4/14 – Middle Lagoon WA

The wind died off in the middle of the night and it turned dead still and bloody hot! The big advantage to it being so still it that this mornings activities were now decided...lets go and try and catch us some mackerel! A few of the other campers were at middle lagoon just for the fishing, chasing mackerel and sail fish. They go 10  - 15kms off shore but there is no way I was taking Rufus that far, no matter how flat it is!

We scoffed our breakfast and hit the water and 5 minutes later the lures were in the water in about 20m of water. I was pretty excited as there was heaps and heaps of colour on the depth sounder. We putted along but nothing was happening. I couldn’t believe it! After about 15 minutes of the my screen showing more fish than I had ever seen we were still empty handed...grrr...we kept trolling but I came to the conclusion that whatever it was, it was completely disinterested in our lures.

Despite the lack of action the scenery was spectacular and it was a picture perfect day. After about an hour Sambo started to feel a bit queasy so we turned and headed for home trolling as we went. We  hadn’t given up, but the rods were now in the holders rather than holding onto them when Jack’s got a big hit, but it didn’t hook it! Double bugger! We wound in and inspected the damage to the lure and headed for home.

Back at the lagoon we rounded up all the kids and headed to the beach for a couple of hours of fun dragging them behind the boat on the boggie board. Each had three runs and I think there were about 15, including a couple of French kids who chose the right day to visit the beach. By lunch time not only was I exhausted and starving I was bloody dizzy!

We were heading off tomorrow so the afternoon was spent packing up. Having the boat is a massive benefit but being having to pack it up is less than fun! We went for a drive around the local area but most of the other camps were closed as it wasn’t high season yet. 

The view from our campsite
 We invited Mark and Amy around for drinks and ran into Carl and Jane, who we had met at the RSL on ANZAC Day. It wasn't long and the rest of the camp was there. The boys had been making some new spears and it was fascinating to watch them straighten and harden them, a skill that is almost as much nature as nurture.

They headed down top the beach and came back with another huge mud crab for us as well as a trumpet shell that they cooked on the fire for us.

We made the boys an early dinner with the intention of making ours later. The best laid plans of mice and men and at some unknown hour we headed for bed and I realised that I was still hungry! Like a 18yr lad I scoured the cupboard and managed to concoct a combination using a can of canned salsa and ham and a few other things that I can’t remember, ending another awesome day at Middle Lagoon.

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