Day 150 5/5/14 – Winjana Gorge – Silent Grove, Bell Gorge WA

Day 150....amazing. 

In some ways it feels like yesterday that we left but the sheer quantity of experiences we have had and the amount of places we have visited make it seem like a couple of years ago. With a little over 60 days to go it is coming to an end soon...nnoooo.

The boys seemed to like their new BFF so we agreed to head down to tunnel creek with them. While the boys can be a bit rattier when other kids are away, when they have not left your site for 150 days any respite is good respite!

As we arrived at the Tunnel Creek car park I could hear helicopter and it sounded as if it was working bloody hard. Pretty soon we saw it making massive sweeps over and around the rocky ridge we were parked at the bottom of. Soon I heard the bellowing of cows and was excited that the boys would get to see a real live muster. We headed down into the cave not sure how long they were going to be and were amazed by what we saw. Water, with no other way to go, had forced its way through the mountain creating a tunnel about 200m long. The creek wasn’t running and judging by the water levels it hadn’t been the best of wet seasons around here as the water was only ankle deep at the crossings and most of the time we walked on the sandy edges, where as in “Are we there yet” they had to wade through waist deep water.

We all had our head lamps on trying to spot the fresh water crocs that inhabit the area. I am pretty sure I saw one in the distance but there was about 12 of walking in a group so silence was something that wasn’t going to happen. We popped out the other end and clambered up a few rocks and had morning tea beside some Aboriginal rock paintings that were pretty cool.

We clambered back through the cave and back to the trucks. Along the way the ranger told us the cattle were through mot long ago so we jumped in and roared of up the road!

It wasn’t long before we reached the mob and pulled alongside the trailing truck. I was really hoping I could get the boys involved but they didn’t seem very interested in that idea. They were just pulling over to have smoko so I got out and had a chat with a couple of the stockmen and then moved on.

Back at camp we packed up and headed out, we were now committed to the Gibb, towards Silent Grove, the camp ground before Bell Gorge. The road was in amazingly good nik and the road to the farm at Ropeley was never even close to as good as this! There were some rocky spots but they were pretty short and there weren’t too many of them!

Some Brolgas we saw along the way

We set up camp and relaxed for the afternoon as the boys had their BFF, Sky and Finn, with them. They road their bikes and pretty soon they were lighting their fires.

After dinner we adjourned to Rob and Cad’s fire, had a couple of quite brews before heading off for the night.

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