Day 151 6/5/14 – Silent Grove, Bell Gorge WA

Ding ding, schools in! Whaaat was the unanimous cry from the boys! Their Easter holidays had now stretched to 4 weeks and the store we were driving past tomorrow was going to be the last reception for the rest of the week and we thought we had better get something to the teachers!

The boys managed to prank De BIG tim this morning filling the sugar container with salt,
that she spread on her breakfast cereal!!

Sambo trying to catch us all some lunch!
Despite some mild resistance we managed to get something done and then got ourselves ready to go to Bell Gorge. Our plan was to leave a bit later, take lunch with us, and spend the hottest part of the day by the water, rather than sweltering in our van! The BFF came at the same time and the boys were having a ball running down the track, bouncing from rock to rock, especially Sam, who for something different had forgotten his thongs! Oh well its only bush walking.....hmmmm....not sure how that one is going to reintegrate back into city life.

Pretty soon we were at the top of the falls which was amazing. Water was thundering over them and the kids were all very excited. 

After a few pics we crossed over and headed down to the bottom with me having to run to keep up with them! Once there they were straight into the water and other than to have lunch they hardly came out for the next 4 hours. The rocks were pretty slippery and had lots of ledges so they came up with names for their 7 bases “Slippy two” etc and they would all go from one to the next to the next. The best one was slippy 4 where they used the rocks as a slippery dip! It was great for both sets of parents as we got to have some ‘quite time’. 

A couple of local lads jumped of the top of the cliffs and I was significantly tempted to do it, but it required me to walk the 10 minutes back up and having some quite time seemed like a better option!

We dragged our prune skinned children out of the water and headed back up the track to the top of the falls, and once there we edged our way over to the precipice. It was very safe but still very nerve racking! 

Again the BFF played, this time making mud pies on a rock in the middle of the river while we chatted. After nearly five hours we headed back, grabbed some fire wood and cooked dinner, mackerel gumbo, over the open fire.

The BFF made a pretty awesome cubby house out of the remaining firewood and after dinner Rob and Cad joined us with Rob brining his camp oven with him, cooking us an super yummy damper for desert.

It was pretty late for the boys and it had been a massive day so once they hit the sack De retreated while I sat for a while staring at the flames. I think I must have lasted 2 minutes before I was asleep in my chair, eventually returning to my bed at some stage of the night.

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