Day 149 4/5/14 – Windjana Gorge WA

We were determined to be up and at them early so we could walk the gorge nice and early to avoid the heat, so at around 9:30 we started..where does the time go!

Windjana is a pretty spectacular place with sheer ochre and black cliffs climbing straight up from the base of the gorge. Often there is a pile of rocks or a grassy slope at the bottom of the sheer rock face, but here you are on flat ground and you can lean up against the bottom of the rock wall and look straight up to see the top some 50, 60 or 70m up above. Awesome!

The beginning of the trip was highlighted by the local fresh water crocs that were sunning themselves on the muddy river back, on the other side of the river. There was one on our side but the stealthish manner in which the boys approached him made him scurry for cover...I kind of know how he feels! 

My literary ability is far exceeded by the wow factor that this gorge had so I’ll let the pictures do as much as they can to show you what it is like.

We got to what appeared to be the end of the main part of the walk so we sat down and had morning tea and I raised with the ‘panel’ the idea of ‘doing the gibb’. It was received fairly positively and it was agreed we will do some more research and make a decision later. While we were sitting there another couple, Rob and Cat and their kids Sky and Finn, came along. We had a bit of a chat and the kids agreed to catch up once they were back in camp.

Back at camp we had lunch and I set about researching as much as I could about the Gibb from all and sundry around the site. By around 4 De and I had looked over a few brochures and talked to enough people to realise that it was well worth doing...decision made! I had been trying to find time to cut my hair for ages so I grabbed the clippers and went for it. Not sure what possessed me but i am not sporting a new look. The look on De’s face when she saw me was priceless! The best part is that the last time I shaved my head, on my last day of grade 10, my Mum and Dad were pretty upset about it and for some reason sent my brothers down to rough me up a bit. Thankfully I made it to the bathroom and locked it in time to avoid there recriminations but am happy that I am pretty sure I am far enough away that it won’t be repeated a second time. (love you mum xxoo)

Happy hour is one thing that has really been missing from most WA camp sites (sorry) but it was in full swing this afternoon and our annexe seemed to be the central point! The boys with their new BFF, got the fire going and were having a ball throwing bucketfuls of dried grass on top of it causing the flames to leap skyward!

Once again it had been a biiig day and after some fish cake burgers we all scrambled inside out darkened van, we leave as many lights of as possible to keep the gazillion moths and mozzies away as possible, and collapsed into bed.

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