3/1/14 – Day 28 – Forrest -> Stevenson Falls

Forrest is called the Gateway to the Otways (as in Otway National Park) and is crawling with mountain bikers. I am not sure who came up with the idea but they have turned what would have been a non descript broken down old logging town into a vibrant country village with a pub, called “The Wonky Donkey” after one of the boys favourite books, a brewery and a number of cafes. All through the surrounding forest are mountain bike paths and they come by their hundreds to ride them. The van park must have had at least 100 people staying there and many permanent vans, together with heaps of small cottages all through the town, all of them there for the paths. We caught the bug and the boys jumped on their bikes and we did one of the 2km beginner paths, The Rollercoaster. De and I had a very enjoyable walk as the boys were always about 20 – 100m in front of us and were delighted to find an echidna just to the side of the trail.

About a week ago we visited a information centre where the lady had given Sam a couple of photocopied sheets with some of the local fauna and challenged him to find as many as he could and he was very excited to ad this one to his list. We filled the water tanks and headed to our next free camp at Stevenson Falls, just 10km away. Yesterday Google let me down and Wikicamps saved me, today Wikicamps let me down and I just used plain logic to find the site.

After Wikicamps led us to our destination, a waterfall, in the middle of a logging forest I U turned and took a different road, one that kept of going down a rather large hill, which for my mind was a pretty logical place to find a waterfall. After about 15 minutes we found a sprawling free campsite with about 100 people camped. In the afternoon the boys jumped on their bikes and we walked to the falls which were pretty spectacular, but the temptation to go for a swim was less than zero after Erskine Falls!

We headed back to camp and I spent a lazy afternoon listening to the last session of the test match. Tomorrow we will are off to Apollo Bay to catch up with Travis who I went to Villa with all those years ago!

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