Day 21 - 27/12/13 -Sunshine -> Moolap Vic

We were up pretty early and did a big clean out of the van and truck. Some Christmas presents were replacing stuff we had with us so rather than sticking them in the back of the cupboard like we would do at home we put them straight in the bin rather than waiting three or four years before doing it! We also culled all of the Christmas decorations and other things that we had already deemed 'unnecessary' - somehow the kids survived!

We headed south and stopped in Geelong for a bit of a look around. We got to the riverfront park about 11:30 and while the weather wasn’t ideal it was pretty warm and we were amazed that there were so few people around. The boys went for a swim while I tried to figure out why the solar system on the van was flashing and reading high voltage. I was also having a fair few problems with keeping charge in the auxillary battery in back of Izzy. After about four attempts I managed to get the problem in The Gator figured. In the process I discovered that the auxillary battery in the back of the truck had shorted out and had very nearly burnt the truck down. If petrol or diesel had been stored in the drums beside the battery I may have provided some early New Year fireworks.

After messing around in Geelong we went to Moolap, to camp in the carpark of one of my customers shops! The guys at Mario’s Bait and Tackle have always been great supporters of us and it was good to catch up with them. We were still pretty knackered so we just stuck a movie on for the boys and chilled for the afternoon. Once the boys were in bed I rewired all of the earth leads on Izzy’s Auxillary battery and put few extra layers of insulation on the place where it had shorted. As dusk fell the mozzies attached in North Queensland like numbers! I retreated to the van and slept very very soundly!


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