Day 26 - 1/1/12 - Wye River

Whilst some of yesterday belongs in today I will forget that part, some of it involuntarily, and start the day at the waking up part of it....

Fortunately the boys slept in until after 8 so with De being out of action for the day I packed the boys up and headed for the headlands at Separation Creek for a fish. Now I am not sure if it is me or not but this fishing in Victoria gig is getting a bit tiresome! While I am yet to have a proper session where I really concentrate on fishing it seems even hard to lose your bait! Maybe I have just been a bit spoilt in Queensland or maybe I just have no idea of what I am doing down here...or a bit of both!

After a couple of hours it started to spit so we retreated into a bushy cave that Sam had discovered for morning tea and I called the adventure of soon after as it was starting to look ominous. We celebrated the new year with hot chip sandwiches and an afternoon sleep. After lunch the wind really started to blow and then it was joined by its good mate rain. I wondered down to see how Harry and Olivia were going in their $15 tent and discovered they had spent the whole morning in the car as it had begun to leak. We moved the tent to under our annexe to try and keep it a bit dry as neither of us were going anywhere until tomorrow. By about 2 the wind was really starting to blow. I haven’t been in a cyclone before but I think this must be getting pretty bloody close as it felt a lot stronger than the 90km/h winds we had experienced at Point Lonsdale and as we were in the middle of a eucalypt forest the sound it made was intense. You could hear the gusts coming up the valley as it roared through the tree tops and then shook the hell out of the van.
Note - Picture was taken in the morning. Everything you hear about Victorian weather is true!
At this point Harry and Olivia you can skip to the next paragraph..... As mentioned earlier we had put their tent under our annexe to keep it dry. The only problem now was that I was horrified that the annexe was going to be ripped from its mountings and torn to shreds, but I just couldn’t close it up and leave their tent to be soaked. I put the annexe down as far as it would go and tied the corners down but every time a gust rumbled up the valley I squeezed my eyes together and contorted my face in the hope that it would somehow help the situation. Gradually the rain cleared and around 5, after a 4 hour battering,  the wind eased. The Gator had survived without a problem, man I love this Montana Caravan, it is a cracker!

Harry and Olivia joined us for a couple of games of Monopoly late in the afternoon and after dinner we all hit the hay. The only problem was that the boys hadn’t been outside of the van since lunch so they hadn’t burnt any energy resulting in it taking about 2 ½ hours to get to sleep! A special note must be made of De’s incredible effort to start off 2014 where she did not step outside the van for the entire day, a round of applause if you may!

1 comment:

  1. Well done, De! I'm so proud of you!!!!! ;-)
