Day 22 - 28/12/13 - Moolap -> Barwon Heads Vic

I think we were all suffering from Christmas Extravaganza Lag as we peeled ourselves out of bed at 8:15 and got ourselves ready for the day, in slow motion. We said our goodbye’s to the Mario’s crew and headed around the Belarine Peninsula. This is an incredibly beautiful area of Australia and one that I think often goes unnoticed on the things to do list. We headed straight to Portarlington, that I want to spell with two words but it is only one (if you don’t believe me see the map below), and dropped in at another of my customers, but just to say a quick hello and see what we should see around town. They were great and gave us heaps of tips which formed the plan for the day.

It was already starting to heat up so we decided a swim was in order so we hit the water beside the pier in Portarlington. I was amazed that across the bay, even though it was quite hazy in the heat, you could clearly make out the skyscrapers of Melbourne! The water was ‘fresh’ so it didn’t last too long so we ventured out to the pier where a tall ship was coming alongside to take people on a sightseeing trip. After checking out what we thought are lobster boats we headed back but after a few now obligatory dives of the pier, one where I even managed to complete a forward flip with only minimal leg flopping, the boys and I decided to swim the 100 or so meters back to the shore. Mum before you get to worried it was only about 20m before I could stand up, but it was a fun adventure all the same. After a deli style lunch, where I agreed for some unknown reason to let everybody choose what they wanted on their sandwich (last time that will be happening) we continued along the coast line.

For the next 10 or 15kms houses lined the esplanade and were an amazing mixture of old beach shacks and McMansions, with each little hamlet having their own caravan park on the waters edge that was busting at the seams! We eventually had to turn inland and went to Queenscliff which is a very pretty town that has an amazing amount of history. All through town were old hotels and mansions that must have been the playground of the rich and famous in years past. The wind really started to pick up, nothing like we get up in Queensland, as we climbed up a viewing platform that provided a great view of the heads for Port Phillip Bay.

We then headed to Point Lonsdale which is the lighthouse right heads. There was a cairn on the way up to the lighthouse which was great as it gave the boys a bit if perspective.

By now the wind was gusting up to 50 knots (that’s 90kms/hr) and the sand and dust stung our ankles and legs and we ventured forwards.

 It was amazing to watch two shipping container vessels (I am sure there is a real word for them but I can’t think of it) ploughing head first into the wind. The captain really earned his bucks today!

We also found Buckley’s cave and there was Buckley’s and none of us going down to the fore shore to hop through the rocks! As an interesting side note have you ever tried to walk in thongs in 90km/h wind? It is quite difficult as every time your foot leaves the earth the thong turns into a spinnaker and drags your foot with it!


As we were leaving Queenscliff we went through our first of four major right turns, the second will be in Perth, third at Derby and fourth in Karumba.
We followed the roads through Ocean Grove to Barwon Heads where the plan was to put Rufus in for a dip and catch dinner. Needless to say even I had the common sense to realise that 50 knot winds are not conducive to fishing trips!

There were no free camps in either of the books so we just headed out of town and found a nice secluded beach and found the area that was as protected as possible from the wind. Surely nobody will bother us around 8:30 there was a couple of knocks from two security guards saying we couldn’t stay there. I pleaded with them saying there wasn’t a space in any park within 50kms so they kind of agreed saying that we had better be up and going real early as the council buys will fine us.

I set my alarm for 5:50 and jumped into bed and that night the van rocked like never before!!!! It was amazing and De thought it was pretty good to. You know what they say “When the vans a rockin’g don’t come a knockin’, I think it would be hard to be out a knockin’ that knight considering how the wind rocked the van even with the supporting legs down!

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