Day 24 - 30/12/13 - Hammonds Track

Not long after the boys had inhaled their breakfast they were out looking for Gabe so they could check their pots. They pulled in an impressive 13 yabbies, some that were nudging the max size, so a second course of Garlic Yabbie Omelette was added to the breakfast menu.

While the boys raced around on their bikes we decided that we would leave The Gator at Hammond’s track camp ground for the day and head into Lorne for a day trip. The Falls Festival is a massive annual music festival in Lorne that turns a sleepy seaside village in to a swarming hive of late teen, early 20 and older wannabie music fans that take over every square inch of towns all around. Jack had received a fishing rod for Christmas and was desperate, to the point of tears, to go fishing and Lorne had a pier! It was a beautiful sunny day and the wind had almost disappeared so we were excited to be wetting a line in such incredible surroundings. The pier must have had another 30 or 40 people fishing, many with 3 or 4 rods on the go. We found our spot and with some expectation cast out, and waited and waited. “Reel it in Jacko we must have lost  our bait”...nup and again, and yep again. We were there for about an hour a half and I only saw one fish being caught and that was a bloke jigging for bait fish! However we did manage to see a seal that made it all worthwhile!


We packed up and headed for Erskine Falls,  which by all reports was supposed to be pretty spectacular. Along with the other 150 people we eagerly climbed down the 300+ steps to the base of the falls. After not making it to the base of the Mini Ha Ha falls in the Blue Mountains I was determined to jump in and shower under the falls, like you see in the glossy tourist brochures.
That's Sam beside me.
Well if I thought the waters of Mini Ha Ha were cold then I had another thing coming! I have done the dash from ice covered water into the sauna in my time in the USA but the problem was that even though this was felt like ice there was no sauna, not even any bloody sun! Undaunted Sam and I swam to the other side of the falls and tried our best to look like we were enjoying it! It was pretty fun but it was just to cold! Undaunted I decided that I was already close to hypothermia and surviving so I might as well climb around the side of the waterfall and up to where it had its major fall. Very, very carefully I edged out to be under the mist of the fall that was now accompanied by a very strong breeze created by the falling water. I posed for the photos and beat a hasty retreat to my miniscule chamois towel that did manage to get the surface water of my but did nothing for my body temperature. I decided that we should make a hasty retreat for Izzy and even after 300+ steps I was still on the cold side. Lesson # 5 – the water in Victoria is cold, bloooody cold!

It had been a couple of days since a shower, other than the cold beach variety, so we sought out one where warm water and ample quantities of soap could be used. The public pool was $8.50 each but they did have public ones that were $1 for 3 minutes so we excitedly ventured of, the boys and I with $2 and De with $2. We managed to get all three of us washed up within the first $1, which I think was closer to 4 minutes and De managed to find $2 while she was having her $1 shower. Yeah!! Free Showers! Happy and clean we topped up on supplies and headed for the hills of Hammonds camp.

A lazy afternoon was had getting the fire going with the boys messing around with some other kids from the camp. Tomorrow was New Years Eve so we hit the hay early, why I am not sure as I am pretty sure we weren’t going to be doing anything exciting!

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