Day 19 - 25/12/13 - Sunshine (Melbourne) Vic

It had been a pretty late night so we told the boys they weren’t to even think about opening their eyes until 8am. Amazingly enough it worked! It was pretty tough for them as they could see their Santa sacks sitting on the couch and Santa had bought Jacko a fishing rod that was stick out the top of it making him even more excited! On cue the both bound out of bed, not touching the floor but somehow managing to grab their sacks on the way through. Within the blink of an eye all of their presents were laid out before them with a few “just what I always wanted” thrown in for good measure.
We then had the family present distribution and get brekkie ready. Our preparation had been a touch less than idea when we realised at we didn’t have any bacon and the can off baked beans ended up to be a can of dinosaur spaghetti! It was delicious and Sam was extra happy as he got to have the smoked salmon croissants he requested, which he had with vegemite!

We spent the rest of the morning skyping with our family, swimming as well as De preparing a roast lunch. The Webber lived up to its reputation delivering a scrumptious roast lamb lunch with some of the Mother-in-Laws plum pudding for desert – Yum!
After a well earned nana nap for everybody we packed the esky and headed back to the pool. It had been pretty empty in the morning session but by now everybody had returned from their family lunches and there were people everywhere.
We settled in, another family from Brisbane with three boys pulled up next to us, and the next thing we knew it was 8pm and it was time for bed! It was defiantly not our typical Christmas day and while we all missed seeing our family dearly on the day it was great to have a quite day where we just had time to relax and enjoy each other’s company. Merry Christmas Everyone!

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