Day 52 - 27/1/14 – Victor Harbour -> Deep Creek Conservation Park SA

Usually packing up and getting on the road after a one night stop takes between 5 and 15 minutes. When we stop for longer than one night the pack up time seems to expand exponentially! This morning it was about 2 hours because it seems that everything that we had tucked in a nook or cranny in the truck had made its way out and was liberally strewn around our site! Just before 10 we rolled out and as it was a spectacular day we headed back to Horseshoe Bay for a morning on the beach.

 I love this little nook in the SA coast and am positive I will return here again soon. Warnie and Nia headed into Port Elliot (about 3 blocks away) to get some breakfast while we lazed on the beach as well as swam out to the pontoon that was moored 70 or so meters off shore.

Just before lunch we packed up and farewelled our guests, a little more sunburnt than when they arrived, stocked up in Victor Harbour and headed to Deep Creek Conservation Park, which is right at the end of the Fleurieu Peninsula, another tiring 45 minute drive away! We set up camp with Kangaroo Island visible through the tree line and the boys and I decided to go for a quick drive down to Blow Hole Beach while De got the van organised. The beach was only 1.5km away so we thought we would just check it out and come back, until we found that the track down there was something that resembled a ski slope and needed to be driven in Low 4WD. The whole beach is only about 200m wide, white sand framed by rocky cliffs with crystal clear water and a clean right hand 2ft break. It looked to bloody good to miss so we grabbed the boogie boards, caught some great waves and headed back  after about half an hour thinking we would come back for a big swim tomorrow.

Not long after we returned to camp the park ranger turned up and informed us that the whole park would be closed from 9am tomorrow morning due to extreme fire danger and that we had to be packed up and gone by then.....bugger...the worst part was that we couldn’t go back to the beach in the morning...and I didn’t have my camera, so I have had to borrow some pictures of this cracking place.

We had a quite night reading and enjoyed the quite solace of bush camping after having a big weekend of being the noisy neighbours! It was a pretty warm night...but not for to long!

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