Day 20 - 26/12/13 Sunshine & The MCG!

Do you know how excited kids get on Christmas morning just before they open their presents? Well that’s pretty close to the way I felt about going to the boxing day test. I am bit of a cricket tragic, especially when we are playing against the English and even more so when we are already up 3 – 0 in the series. I haven’t missed the first day of a Gabba test for 15 years but having the chance to go to the MCG for the first day was something that I have wanted t do for a long time.

There was no time for swims or playing with presents it was up and at em’ on the bus at 8 so we could get there early enough to have a look around and soak up the atmosphere. As I walked across the bridge from the tennis centre to the MCG I think I got about as close to the feeling a bride has as she walks down the aisle at her wedding. I had goose bumps and a cold shiver ran up my spine as I walked through the gates and viewed the playing surface for the first time. I don’t know if it was the height of the stands or the way they completely encircle the playing area but it felt pretty damn amazing.

We went to what we thought were our seats in the very front row just near the sight screen. The teams were out warming out and the slips cordon came over and did their warming up right in front of us which the boys really loved.
We then thought we had better go right to the top of the stand to see what it was like up there as well. While we were up there we watched the coin toss and Clarkey won it again - That's 4 in a row. I was so happy as the boys (and me) would get to see Australia bat...What did you just say Clarkey - Your going to do WHAT?? Have a bowl....I thought we were done for but for once, in hindsight, Clarkey's cricketing knowledge out did mine, or was it just a fluke! 

The Coin Toss
 We then settled back into our seats and sang the national anthem with all that we had. When the Aussie team ran out we were wondering when De was going to arrive as she had decided to take a slightly later bus. I then got a phone call from her wondering where we were. “In our seats of course!” well apparently there is a difference between Row AA and Row A. While it would have been good to be in the front row the boys could hardly see over the fence and more importantly row AA was in the shade all day!
One for the Mantle Piece

The first wicket!

While there wasn’t a great amount of runs scored or wickets taken it was great day of cricket. During the last session the crowd really started to get behind Mitch and we were clapping and chanting having an all-round great time.
World Record Crowd - It ended up 91,092!!!

During the tea break we went out to the merchandising stands and the boys spent up some of their Christmas money - for once I agreed with their purchasing decision!
Thanks Damo, Rach, James, Oliver & Sophie

Thanks Chappo, Tracy, Taylor & Ella
When the last ball for the day was finally bowled we headed for the tram with the barmy army trailing behind us in full chorus. I only wish we had an equivalent for Australian fans – I would love it!
We headed back to camp and collapsed after a massive three days. We were back on the road again tomorrow. While having the convenience of toilets and electricity is good, camping in your own space away from the hustle and bustle has its own benefits - ones I am looking forward to having again!


  1. MCG to a wedding, you to a bride. awesome analogy there champ!

  2. Really?! You stopped short of calling it a Religious/Spiritual experience! LOL Glad it lived up to your expectations and you had a great time! I think I'm just the tiniest bit envious of your 7 month sojourn! ;-) Loving the blog !
