Day 50 - 2/1/14 – Newland Head Conservation Park -> Victor Harbour SA

We were up and at em early in order to get a few things done before our guests, Warnie and Nia, arrived. On the way back into Victor Harbour The Invstigator finally got a full look at Encounter Bay. We kept looking for Mr Boudin but with no success!

The nice man at the van park allowed us to check in really early so we could get our weekly washing done as well as get the tent set up for the guests.

Pretty much as soon as they arrived De and Nia were sent into town for a girly lunch while Warnie and I saved the world, again, as we blew the top of a few frosty ones.
Around 4 we wondered down town and hand balled the children to two happy smiling ladies while we went to the pub across the road for a few punts and a few more brews. Two hours later I was pretty happy as I managed to come out in front of where I went in, including expenses.

We then went on the search for a decent restaurant to celebrate our guests arrival as well as our 50 days on the road. Most places were pretty full but we got a table at The Anchorage which was pretty flash looking. While by all accounts the food was Ok the company was great and we retired to the guests lounge, that I am pretty sure was for the guests use..

The festivities continues once we were back at the camp with beer, wine, rum and scotch all being enjoyed as the night wore one. Around midnight our nice neighbour came to inform us that, in fact it was midnight, and that we should probably be thinking about winding it up, which we promptly did. 

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