Day 37 - 13/1/14 – Monibeong Lake -> Pritchard’s Landing, Glenelg National Park VIC

With the temperatures expected to rise significantly through the day we were up and at them in record time and with all that Monibeong Lake has to offer we couldn’t wait to get out of there. 

As I located our next site on wikicamps I told the boys we had about an hour to our next site but, err hang on, it keeps telling me we are 15 minutes away and sure enough 15 minutes later we were at our new significantly more beautiful camp ground on the edge of the Glenelg River...wish we new that last night. We decided we would stay for two nights so it wasn’t long before we headed for the boat ramp and Rufus was in the water. There was a 15m long landing jetty (one that runs parallel to the bank rather than perpendicular) just near the site and we pretty much spent the whole day floating in the river or diving off the jetty. The river is about 25m wide and a bit murky, especially when compared to the crystal clear water in the ocean. The temperature of the water in the top 50cm is very nice but gets very cold, especially when you dive to try and find the muddy bottom. While the Glenelg runs to the sea, Pritchard’s is 45km from the mouth so the water is fresh and with almost no current it was ideal to lull around in the cool water. 

Late in the afternoon we all went on Rufus for a fishing trip but it was abandoned after about half an hour as sitting in the water while we had our rods on the jetty seemed like a much better idea. I didn’t think we would have much luck but Jacko managed to land a couple of small bream right where we were swimming.

After dinner we headed back down to the river to try to decrease our body temperature before heading to bed. Amazingly by 10pm we were all reaching for our sleeping bags and dooners as the night turned very cool once the sun had set.

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