Day 35 - 11/1/14 – Fitzroy River VIC

There was a plan to get up early and go fishing but plans are made to be broken! We eventually hit the water about 10am. One of the things that De and I had discussed before we left was having ‘one on one time’ with the boys, both for their sake and for ours. Jack won paper, scissors, rock so he was the crew member on Rufus’ first fishing voyage. The motor had been playing up on her first two test runs so I was a bit apprehensive but with the river being mostly 40 – 80cm deep I thought it an ideal place to test here out! The motor was playing up and the only solution was to keep squeezing the primer thingy to get enough petrol to the engine. It seemed to work and about 200m away from the boat ramp I decided that was well and truly far enough! Anchor down, bait out, lines in, BANG, Jack’s gota bream with his first cast! It was only a littley but he, and I were happy!
The first Victorian fish, and the first in Rufus!
 I managed to get a small one as well but that was it until the change over at 11:30. Sambo was super excited as we cruised past the previous point whilst I pumped the primer with my foot as Sam wasn’t strong enough. An hour had passed and I had even got the camera out to get a picture of Sam as it was looking pretty grim. With 10 minutes to go he managed to land a small one quickly followed by my second throwback for the day. While it wasn’t a fruitful session it was soooooo good to be back on the water and Rufus had performed admirably and I felt like the motor was sorting its self out.

After lunch the boys got a game of cricket going with some of the other lads who were camping around us. I called for a tea break around 3 so we could have a family fishing trip.
Surely the future Australian XI

 Within the first minute of so Rufus’ motor had decided to give up her complaining and was happy to run without the primer so we scooted of up the river in search of a deep hole. Thankfully we managed to negotiate a very rocky reach of the river and at our second stop De managed to land one of the biggest bream I have ever seen. 

It was 36+cm and fat as a fool and it fought like there was no tomorrow, which was quite a good idea in retrospect. Without a net on board it was decided to let it tire itself out rather than losing it with a  tight drag (take note JP) and about 4 or 5 minutes later I easily scooped her out of the water to cheers and all round happiness! A few more littlies were caught but no more keepers so we headed back and after another 4 or 5 innings of cricket we warmed up the webber and had fresh fish and chips for dinner. Yummy!

As it was Saturday and it was pretty much the end of the Christmas holiday break, as most people know it, it seemed that everybody was out to make it a memorable end, especially our neighbour who played all kinds of scratched ACDC cds until around midnight at which time I am guessing he passed out!

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