Day 27 – 2/1/14 - Wye River -> Forrest Vic

One of the additional problems of the previous days rain was the muddy quagmire that it caused all around our camp. While most caravan parks are covered in lush green grass this one was just dirt. Dirt + water = Mud. Apart from the fact that it had now been 6 days since our last park visit and 9 days since our last laundry run there was no doubt that we were heading to a park tonight. The only problem is that all of the van parks in the area were booked out last February and any sites that are available start at $65, which is out of our budget. I looked at Wikicamps and found a small town called Forrest just 30kms into the mountain with powered sites for $30 – Sold! We headed into Apollo bay to stock up as there is only a corner store in Forrest and headed up the hill. As soon as we arrived De headed for the laundry and I filled up a bucket with warm water and washed out the inside of The Gator and Izzy, an all round spring clean!

I have been pretty keen to catch a trout since my encounter at Drs Creek so we did a reccy on where we should fish in the afternoon, to go out after dinner, as apparently this is the best time to catch them. We had the choice of two spots so I plugged one of them into Google maps and headed off. About 20 minutes later we reached our destination, well that is what the map said anyway, but I haven’t seen to many lakes in the middle of a eucalypt forest on the top of a ridge before, so I tried wikicamps that after another 20 minutes of driving led me to a parking lot where you can walk for 1km to get to the lake - great. So we headed back to town and drove the additional 3 minutes up the road to the other lake which was perfect. We headed back to camp had dinner and geared up to catch a trout!

It was a perfect afternoon as the sun set softly behind lingering clouds. We were using a version of power bait so I convinced the boys that they had to be completely quite otherwise we didn’t have a chance. We spread ourselves about 10m apart across the wall of the dam and for the next 20 minutes there was complete silence; from them at least. The sounds of the wildlife were awesome, a kite squealing, a koala barking and kookaburras laughing another day closed. De  did manage to lose her bait but I gained some sanity in the silence!
If you look carefully you will find De and Sam

 We headed home packed the boys into bed and sat outside and had a few quite drinks.

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